Remini takes to Twitter to expose the connection between Scientology and the Los Angeles Police Department, especially regarding Shelly Miscavige's disappearance.

Leah Remini has been a known critic of the controversial Church of Scientology since she left the religion in 2013. She has since come out with a docu-series with A+E, Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath as well as done plenty of interviews regarding the organization.
Remini recently sent out a thread of tweets regarding Scientology's reach within the Los Angeles Police Department. The second tweet of the thread features a photo of Cory Palka, a 34-year vet of the LAPD, accepting a check for an LAPD charity. In the photo, Greg LaClaire, Scientology’s Vice President, is seen holding up the 20-thousand-dollar check alongside Palka.
The next tweet mentions that Cory is under investigation for providing confidential investigative information to CBS executives. According to the Los Angeles Times, New York Attorney Letitia James revealed that five years ago, Palka tipped off CBS executives about a confidential complaint alleging that Leslie Moonves sexually assaulted a co-workers in the 1980s. Moonves served as CBS’ chairman and CEO from 2003 until 2018.
The LA Times released a report that revealed that Palka’s tip to CBS executives led to a full-blown coverup. According to the report, Palka left a voicemail for CBS executives on Nov. 10, 2017:
"Somebody walked in the station about a couple hours ago and made allegations against your boss regarding a sexual assault... It's confidential, as you know, but call me"
Palka secretly provided Moonves and other executives with updates on the investigation as well as personal details about the alleged accuser. He also gave them a copy of the accuser’s report and top CBS executives began to look into the victim’s personal life.
In her thread, Remini wonders if Palka has helped Scientology in the same way by providing confidential investigative information.
The rest of the thread talks about Shelly Miscavige, the wife of Scientology’s leader David Miscavbige. Shelly hasn’t been seen in public since 2007, and Remini has not seen her since 2005. Remini noted that Shelly wasn’t at Tom Cruise’s wedding to Katie Holmes in 2006, which she found weird. Remini filed a missing persons report in 2013, which is the year she left Scientology.
Due to Tom Cruise’s position within Scientology, his wedding to Katie Holmes was a huge deal. So, the wife of the leader of the organization not being there may have raised some eyebrows.
Remini says she filed the missing persons report with a friend she had in the LAPD. She claims that the case was closed only hours after she initially filed. The LAPD announced to the media that Shelly had been found and they spoke with her. She notes that she learned of the alleged discovery of Shelly from the press rather than the LAPD. She was allegedly told to file a public record request if she wanted more information. She claims that her requests were consistently shut down by the LAPD.
The actress also alleges that when she met up with Palka, she saw a letter about Shelly that thanked him for his help with Scientology matters at the Celebrity Center. Remini also tweeted a set of emails exchanged between Palka and Scientology officials. Tony Ortega, a journalist who’s written about Scientology since 1995, was the one to obtain these emails. Remini appeared on an episode of Ortega's podcast, "The Underground Bunker," and they discuss what Remini revealed in her Twitter thread.
One of the last tweets in the thread features LAPD Lieutenant Andre Dawson, who Remini claims has a cozy relationship with Scientology as well.